The Christian Education Department



It is through teaching, we will meet people where they are and show them how to develop a spiritual, productive and sustaining relationship with God.  These taught principles will also assist in recognizing the importance of Christ at the center of our lives, growing in grace and service, and obtaining a maturity in Christ.



Till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. - Ephesians 4:13

Mission Statement:

The Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Christian Education Department is the teaching arm of the church and is accountable for explaining biblical principles to every person.  

Servant Leader:

Deacon Jacqueline Cherry - Hooper


What We Do:

  • New Members Class:  We offer these classes for the new believer.  This course introduces the fellowship and foundation of what we believe as Christians.  These classes are held on the third Saturday of every month.

  • Discipleship Classes: We offer continuing opportunities for growth for the believer.  These courses include the habits every Christian needs to develop in order to grow spiritual maturity, discovering your spiritual gifts and offering your gifts to a specific ministry.  These classes are held on the third Saturday of every month.

  • Sunday School: We offer the believer, from our youth through our seniors, the chance to study God's word.  In these sessions, individuals listen, discuss and learn how to apply God’s principles to our daily lives. These classes are held every Sunday morning prior to Sunday morning worship. Children’s church is every third Sunday.

  • Bible Study: We continue to study God’s principles, for our lives, during the week in an intimate setting.  These classes are conducted every Tuesday evening.