The Administrative Office



Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. - 1 Corinthians 15:58

Mission Statement:

We are a ministry responsible for performing secretarial, clerical and administrative administration duties that are needed for the efficient operation of the Church.  We are able to work well with others while planning, organizing, and delegating according to biblical principles and Church goals.

Servant Leaders:

Sister Kelley Richards, Church Secretary

Sister Nathifa McGill, Church Clerk


What We Do:

  • Responsible to taking minutes during official church meetings and lay member meetings.

  • Maintain a proper record of membership and update membership rosters.

  • Provide church members with certificates of baptism, baby dedication, issue tithing and offering envelopes.

  • Assist in the responsibility of maintaining the church calendar

  • Responsible for the preparation of the church bulletin.

  • Responsible for making announcements during the Sunday morning service.

  • Prepare and read church resolutions during funerals.

  • Responsible for official correspondence deemed necessary by the Pastor or the church.

  • Assist in the planning and organization of church service