The Praise Dance Ministry




Let Israel be glad in its Maker; let the children of Zion rejoice in their King.  Let them praise His name with dancing, making melody to Him with tambourine and lyre; For the Lord takes pleasure in His people. - Psalm 149: 2 – 4

Mission Statement:

The Praise Dance Ministry ministers the word of God visually through powerful movement, declaring Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  Each movement is a strong, graceful and energetic declaration of praise. We cheerfully dance before God’s people to usher in the presence of God.

Servant Leader:

Servant Leader:

Sister Yvonne Niass

What We Do:

  • Praise dance every 3rd Sunday at the beginning of the morning worship service.

  • Fellowship with other churches during Christ – centered activities and church anniversaries.

  • Plant seeds in non – believers adding encouragement to God’s people through movement, prayer and meditation.

  • Jubilee:  Each year, we celebrate our Lord by honoring Him with praise through dance.  We invite praise dance ministries from other churches to help us celebrate our Lord.