The shepherd’s Ministry




But we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to respect those who labor among you and have charge over you in the Lord and admonish you; esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among you. - I Thessalonians 5 12:13

Mission Statement:

The Shepherd’s Ministry is a care giving ministry which selflessly meets the needs of our pastor and his family within the church. We believe demonstrating how much we love and appreciate our pastor for his leadership and spiritual guidance will strengthen and empower him; thereby enabling him to focus on teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of all men and women.

Servant Leaders:

Sister Allison Bush-Jones

What We Do:

  • Support We pray, uplift and support the pastor and his ministerial staff with our kind words, deeds and actions.

  • NeedsWe ensure all personal needs are met as it pertains to the church; this includes the maintaining of robes, personal facilities and preparing meals.  We also provide monetary donations when the pastor attends local, state and national conferences and for special holiday observances.

  • ChurchWe model respectful behavior.  We support all ministries in the church. We plan and organize any special celebrations in the church for the pastor.  We accompany the pastor and church on evangelical excursions.

  • All Ministries Day – We collaborate with other ministries within the church to celebrate our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is also a time to celebrate our ability to minister to our pastor and his work of leading souls to Christ and making disciples.