The Seasoned Saints Ministry



The Seasoned Saints Ministry of the Mt. Carmel is composed of various individuals who range in age, but understand and recognize that our elders are our very own treasure.   Our goal is to ensure our seniors feel and understand the respect and admiration that we hold towards them. While all members aged 62 and older are considered Seasoned Saints, individuals of all ages are welcomed and encouraged to serve on this ministry.



Show respect to the aged; honor the presence of an elder, fear your God. I am God. Leviticus 19:32

Mission Statement:

To recognize, address, and serve our seniors who are 62 years and older within the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. We are committed to the spiritual, physical and emotional well – being of our seniors.  This ministry is designed to encourage our seasoned saints to continue growing spiritually and participate in various social activities.

Servant Leader:

Sister Renee Miles

What We Do:

  • Make a presentation to our honored Seasoned Saint on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

  • We offer other events for our Seasoned Saints, for example:

    • February: Loving One Another

    • April: Luncheon

    • July: Cookout

    • July: Friends and Family Day

    • December: Christmas Brunch

    • Annual bus trip to view a play at the Sight and Sound Theater.