The Sisters With a Vision Women’s Ministry



A ministry of healing and empowerment for the Women of God.



For she said to herself, If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well. Matthew 9:21

Mission Statement:

The Sisters With a Vision Women’s Ministry is a ministry of healing, hope and empowerment of the Women of God.  We believe that as our hearts are healed and we become more whole, our service for the Lord becomes more bold. We are women who are bold and unreasonable in our love for the Lord and service to the Kingdom.

Servant Leader:

Sister Cheryl Roach

What We Do:

  • Sister Circle – Meets the third Friday of every month.  It is an exciting time of sistership, praise, reflection, sharing, encouragement, comfort, laughter, breaking bread together and Bible Study.  It is a place of sacred space where the women of God can share the joys and challenges of living a holy life.

  • RetreatsAn annual retreat where we steal away to spend uninterrupted time with God and enjoy the company of our sisters.

  • Outreach–We collaborate with community programs to support the women and children in these programs to see and feel the tangible presence of God through our service.  We believe that …there for the Grace of God, go I. Through our Angel Network, we provide material support to a sister in need.

  • Women’s Day –We celebrate our love of Jesus Christ and the contribution of the Women of God to our local church and the Kingdom.  It is the culminating celebration of all that has been done by the women of the church in the name of Jesus. Our anniversary is the last Friday of October of every year.