The Trailblazers Youth Ministry



The Trailblazers Church Youth Ministry is following in the footsteps of their ancestors/elders, while creating new steps of our own getting closer to God.



Since my youth, O God, you have taught me and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.  

Psalm 71: 17

Mission Statement:

The Youth Ministry will prepare the youth to take their rightful place in the Kingdom of God and produce great youth disciples by inspiring, empowering, equipping and encouraging them to exude the confidence that they are royalty.  We will do this by training them in places and things that foster a better prayer life, increase self-esteem and knowledge that with the foundation of Christ all things are possible, making them trailblazers as Jesus was.

Servant Leader:

Sister Yvonne Niass

Sister Kelley Richards                

What We Do:

  • The second and fourth Sunday is earmarked as Youth Sunday; it is the youth’s responsibility to lead worship services following in the footsteps of our elders.

  • Annual Youth BBQ –We honor our youth for accomplishments in their faith walk.  The youth enjoy God and fellowship with their peers, their parents and our church.

  • Outreach Joy NightThe Youth Ministry partners with the HIV/AIDS Ministry to support women and young girls with programs to ensure the presence of God is first in our lives, no matter the circumstance.

  • Youth Choir Anniversary – celebrates our love for Jesus and our church. This is the culmination celebration of all we have done for the Lord and our church.  Our anniversary is held on the 4th Sunday in June.