The Diaconate Ministry



The Diaconate Ministry is a Ministry of Service to God, Pastor, and People in the Holistic Ministry of the Church. 


Scripture One:

Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, It is not desirable that we should leave the Word of God and serve tables.  Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.  Acts 6:2 – 3

Scripture Two:  

Our sister Phoebe, a deacon in the church in Cenchrea, will be coming to see you soon.  Receive her in the Lord, as one who is worthy of high honor. Help her in every way you can, for she has helped many in their needs, including me.  Romans 16: 1 – 2

Mission Statement:

The Diaconate Ministry is a ministry that looks after the day to day administration of the church, so that the Pastor might give himself fully to prayer and to the study of the Word of God.  As servants of both Pastor and people, we have a responsibility to preserve the harmony of the church, to promote the vision of the church, and to help the church grow so that it may become all that God wants it to be.  All deacons are appointed by the Pastor.

Servant Leaders:

Deacon Lorna Wyatt, Chair

Deacon Stephen Hooper, Co-Chair

What We Do:

  • Church Ordinances Holy Communion and Baptism are administered monthly.  We prepare the sanctuary for Holy Communion and ensure baptismal candidates are dressed to reflect the occasion.

  • Minister to the Congregation – We share in homes, hospitals, nursing homes, and on the telephone as we seek to encourage and serve our membership in times of crises, sickness, and bereavement.  We also share in their joys in celebrating a milestone birthday or the birth of a child.

  • Church and Pastor Anniversaries – We oversee the annual celebration of both Church and Pastor Anniversaries.

  • Provide Support and Assistance – We provide direction and support to our various ministry groups.  We are also available to our Pastor and Assistant Pastor to support and attend the “outgoing” fellowships of the church.