The Missionary Ministry



And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the Good News to every creature (of the whole human race).  Matthew 16:15

Mission Statement:

We go into all the world at the local, national and international levels to serve the needs of our brothers and sisters.

Servant Leaders:

Sister Patrina Brown


What We Do:

  • In Mt. Carmel: We minister words of encouragement and healing to the sick and the shut-in congregants through cards and visitation.  We also provide repast (meals) for bereaved families after home going services.

  • In the Community: We provide Evangelism.  We also provide food pantry twice a month.

  • Nationally: We provide financial aid to distressed sister churches.

  • Internationally: We participate in So Send I You missionary objectives.

  • Participate yearly in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.