The Usher Ministry




Use hospitality one to another without grudging.  As every man has received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. - 1 Peter 4: 9 – 10.

Mission Statement:

To be ministers of hospitality and caring as we usher the congregation to a place where they are able to receive the word of God and experience His presence.

Servant Leaders:

Sister Cinny Whigham

What We Do:

  • Greet the congregation as they enter the sanctuary.

  • Escort members and guests to their seats.

  • Distribute materials related to the service/meeting such as bulletins, handouts, envelopes, etc.

  • Facilitate and receive the offering.

  • Maintain alertness for any emergency that may arise.

  • We minister in a spirit of love; love for God, love for our church, love for our fellowman and love for ourselves.

  • Junior/Intermediate Ushers: Serve the 4th Sunday of every month.

  • Young Adult Ushers: Serve the 2nd Sunday of every month.

  • Senior Ushers: Serve the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month.

  • Anniversary: We celebrate what we have done during the year on All Ministry Day.